Jingle bells, jingle bells~
Yo yo yo~ Ho ho ho~
MeRRY CHriSTMas to all!!!!!!!!
Special broadcast coming~
Do pay attention do pay attention do pay attention do pay banyak banyak attention...
There will NO youth for the next 2 weeks~~
Youth shall resume on the 11th of Jan...
With a rockin' combined Youth Aflame PAR-TEH!!!!!
So be prepared to rock the night afternoon away!!! Get ready and get set-ed for the new year ahead yea!!! Woohooo!!!!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008 | Labels: Announcementzzz | 0 Comments
A glimpse of the NX camp
Sorry for the superly late updates... :(
Briefing briefing briefing..
Some human sculptures of....
Frisbee catching~Its a team catch
The emotion-full catch..
Next up is Ultraman in a victory stance~Ah... Ultraman literally showing "victory"..
Next is the expression of a girl who saw a really really cute puppy!!"Ahhh!!!! Puppy!!!!"
Worship session..
The crowd...
6 models modelling out their walk..And can you believe it....
Ps Vic actually named Toby as the SHY GUY??!!! The horror... xp
Savoring the moment~With a die heart fan out to support him...
And because of his moments of savoring he won a sexy somethingy prize from Ps Victor!!congrats...
Later was a very meaning session on weddings...
Its something more than just culture~
We even did a little role playing on marriage..
Bridal gown in the making..
Tada... This is the Bride's mom...
The grooms parents...
Alright finally the bride and the groom..
Look at that glow in his face... XP They were actually very shy together... hehe..
Ps Vic... Teaching them how they should... hold hands???
The entertainers for the night~
Ps Joshua~~~ Leading them in their... "wedding vows" hehe...Next... Kiss the bride!!!!
Which is demonstrated by Ps Vic and Ps Kelly ler.. haha..
Kissing 101 : Kissing the cheek..
Kissing 102: Kissing the lips..
And the wedding has officially ended~
Hehe... Best man and bride's maid walking behind them..
Games time..
Couple football~You're totally stuck with each other~
Yi Hui.. Still as gracefull as ever... Even in football.. XP
Now this is teamwork~
Where's the ball??? Where's the ball????
Or.... Now we know who hid the ball.. XD
Still can sit on the "goal post" and pose for picture...
All eyes on the ball..
Next is another game that requires lotsa lotsa teamwork...Together~ Together~
Ah lah... Victor look so kekok... Must be the girl beside him.. too leng lui d~ He cannot concentrate...
One for all and all for one...
The brotherhood..
Next is the erm... Water shifting game!!!
Where you...
Run around your cup a few times..
Feel the dizziness and run to a pail of water..Hopefully not knocking the other some other team that's coming towards you..
Use your cup-that-has-a-hole-in-its-bottom to scoop a cup of water...
Place it on your head
Hurry back and pour the remaining water into your bottle~This would be really helpful....
If you have long fringe... :D
Of course one of your group members will be the direction coordinator for the water pouring~
Some people pour in with skill~
Some people miss with skill~
Last game.. is the brain game!!!!The game where brainiacs rule!!!!
Human Checkers~
When all the groups have finalized their marks...
2 teams came out with a draw...
Thus is the final... Flag catching match will determine who'll come out first!!!
Woo... see the 2 guys in the center... So fast d.. Challenging each other.. with their eyes.. xp
Its makan time!!!
This is where we replenish our energy~*munch munch munch* *yada yada yada*
Next are some more human sculptures of anything that's berkaitan with Moses~
Moses and the golden calf~
Moses and the 10 plagues~
Moses and the burning bush~
Moses and the..... .. .. ..Ok i forgetten what's this... ehehehehehehehe....
And these...
And this..
And this too... x.x Unfortunately..
This has nothing to do with Moses~Pure fun picture posing~
Last day punya worship~Where all the greenies come out to play~
We learnt some new hand shakes there...The.... forgotten-what handshake!!!
The lumberjack handshake!!!
Next... All the leaders of each church formed a prayer tunnel..
To bless all the members there..Where it will be tiring for the leaders... (Since there are so many people in the camp)
Just the same as leading their members will be at times...
The question posted to the leaders by Ps Vic... Will you hold on? Or will you let go?
The musicians for the day have to priveledge to go through it first..Than one by one each and everyone of us lined up to go through the tunnel..
At the end of their tunnel.. all will be anoited..
Ps Victor praying for them as they enter the tunnel..Where they will in future.. Use whatever they are good in. For the Glory of God.. Even in things such as gaming.. Or onlining.. Or whatever you can think of~
The sketch promoting Ps Victor's Sex talk~ Sex & sensibility~Akaka...
Prayers for Ps Victor and Ps Kelly..
Even Baby Gianna's listening attentively.. he he..
Groupie pic!!!
Ok... Messy-groupie-pic-where-everyone-in-front-jumps-thus-blocking-all-behind.. =='''
Baby Abductors...!!!Please report to the police if you see anyone of them!!!!!
And return cute baby to Ps Noah or Florence!!!!
The Masterminds behind the camp..
Some random sabo-ing..As usually~ Guys~ *tsk tsk tsk..
Last briefing before we return to our homes~THE END!!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008 | Labels: Flash backs | 0 Comments