Easter with the CSZ'zz..

First things first...
We had....


finger food la... but still...


hot dogs with pineapple~

Ok.. This is suppose to be the sandwiches but I forgotten to snap them... xp
So I bring you... Sandwich fillings!!! XP

Yummy yummy cocktail~

And please thank the "food-makers" XD

Ho ho..
Now we know who fried the nuggets... hehe

A group of lovely ladies preparing the food...

Ok... Maybe.. not so lovely ladies.. xp

We had ice breaker!!!

To test their reflexes... hehe

Next was the makan session~

2 greenies posing while the "hungry ghosts" behind lunge for the food...

Fur Jonathan Kuek was our speaker for the day~

It is the Alpha way that we all scribble our answers on a sheet of mahjong paper..
And through this we got to know that different people produce different "results"

Some looked simple and sweet...

dot dot dot...

We all gave our opinions on what sin is..

And to why Jesus died on the cross...
All the pain.. All the humiliation.. And ultimately God had to turn away from Him...
He did it.. All for us..
That we might be saved, redeemed and cleansed of our sins..
He loved us this much, that He laid down His life so that we may live.
So dear friends.. Let's not forget what Christ has done on the cross for us.. Salvation is free.. But it is not without a price.. Therefore Easter is a good time for us to remember what Christ has done.. And also the great commission which He left us with.. hehe..

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Matthew 28: 18- 20

Last but not least....
Have a blessed Easter!!!!!! :)

Someone rose from the dead.. o.o

Oh yea... Somebody's back from the dead~
Guess who...? XD

Calling all CSZ.. Calling all CSZ..

We're having a Easter Alpha Celebration this Saturday~~
details are as followed~~

Date: 11th April 2009 ( Saturday)
Time: 8 pm
Venue: MM (Melia's Mansion xp)

Do invite your friends along~
Finger food will be provided!! yum yum~

Calling all SSZ.. Calling all SSZ..

We will be having our own Easter Alpha party too!!!
Remember.. Its on Sunday..
We shall repeat it.. on SUNDAY~~
details are also as followed..

Date: 12th April 2009 (Sunday)
Time: 2 pm
Venue: Cheras EFC

Also do invite your friends to come join us~
We have lotsa "mam mam" there too~!!

See ya guys there!!!!

Chatting spree~