Announcementz Again

Ladies & Gentlemen,
The time has come for us to approach one another asking the question... Are we passionate enough to know How Great Is Our God. Let me elaborate alittle bit, I know I'm kinda 'cheong hei' but please give me some time to introduce you one of the speaker,

Louie Giglio

He's one of the speaker in the Passion Conference-Concert so people pay attention as well to other speakers though I may not know them personally but I'm sure that they would stir as much as Louie Giglio. If you're interested in the Louie Giglio sermon 'How Great Is Our God' you can ask from Daniel the supermodel of the poster 10Keyz.

For Every Youth Aflame
No College Sub-Zone @ Saturday, 2 August 2008
Passion Conference-Concert @ Sunday, 3 August 2008.
!Meet in Church @ 4.00pm!

Requirement For the Sermon:
A heart ready to accept the truth
A heart ablaze to know How Great Is Our God

FLV(FLash Video) Player or VLC(VideoLAN Client) Media Player

You can request a CD from the supermodel, Daniel as well.


Chatting spree~